Saturday, August 14, 2010

So I guess I spoke too soon about July....because it wasn't finished being busy!
I did mention I had a fun cake that I was working on in the last post, so I'll start with that one first. I was asked to do a cake for someone who loves fashion and shoes. My favourite kind of customers :). So Together, we came up with this cake, which I like to dub the Fashionista cake:
I loved this cake! It took a long time to make because its large and the fondant needed to be rolled out to a really large size to cover it all. To help me with this I brought in the big guns.

I also had to start the gumpaste shoe a week in advance. Personally I love this cake...( do we see a trend with the animal print here?) makes me feel super girly lol, and I was told the birthday girl loved it too, which makes me even happier.
Next up is a cake for a boy turning ten who loves football. I was given some preferences, but I thought World Cup would be a good jumping off point. I apologise for the lighting in these next shots. It took FOREVERRR to get the icing red (2 days total).  By the time I fifnished the cake it was the wee hours of the morning and I wasnt allowed to turn on the lights LOL. That and I also learned know direct light will fade red icing and considering it took me days to get it red instead of pink...I wasn't about to take any chances.

I threw some vuvzelas in there, because come on....vuvzelas are awesome.

Ok So I mentioned that for my birthday I didnt want a cake right? Just a BIGGG cookie. And apparently noone makes them the way I like. I'm a bit of a cookie snob, and I've gotten numerous requests for my chocolate chip cookies (brownies too, but I haven't gotten around to those yet). SO I used some of my birthday money and bought myself a big cookie pan. My BFF is a cookie monster so I knew she'd be excited.

This cookie measures a full foot and is the equivalent (batter wise) to about 40 cookies.

So July ended on a good note....and this cookie was more of a message for me....
Congrats! you made it through a really busy month. LOL

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